Supervision Qualifications & Experience
Cian has a Certificate in Supervision for Health and Social Service Professionals and has attended a number of advanced workshops and trainings in various models of clinical supervision. He is an approved supervisor with NZ Association of Counsellors (NZAC) and an accredited clijical supervisor with the Addcition Practitioners Association of New Zealand (DAPAANZ). Additionally he has over 15 years experience as a supervisor to other clinicians including:
2004-2005 Supervisor of Volunteer Phone Counsellors at Youthline.
2010-2012 Supervision of Social Work, Counselling, and AOD Practitioners on placement in an Alcohol & Drug Service.
2012-2014 Senior tertiary Lecturer in Mental Health & Addictions supervising Mental Health students on clinical placements.
2014-2017 Specialist Consultation/Case Supervision for site Social Workers at Oranga Tamariki and Police specialist interviewers.
2018-2020 Secondary supervisor for Counselling Psychology students on placement in a school counselling department.
2021-2024: Secondary Supervisor of Psychologists and Primary Supervisor of Provisional Members of NZAC (Private Practice).